Brilliant Blog Award

I feel compelled to respond to the recent claim that was made by Erlina here.

By all means I feel honoured and no less grateful to be accredited in such a way. For that I would like to extend my heartmost thank you to Erlina for such an acknowledgement.

However, recent visitors may wonder why would I be credited such title and do I really deserve the aforementioned award owing to the fact that I update less than 5 times per month.  Personally, I feel that I don’t. Unfortunately, (or fortunately) the acclaim was not under my jurisdiction and thus, I have no say in the decision made by Erlina. Please do not be mistaken that I am accepting this show of honour unwillingly. In fact, I am taking it in with open arms. Nevertheless, contempt must be weeded if there is any regarding Erlina’s decision, which I hope there is none. I personally think that some of her friends have better blogs that I do. I do not profess that I am a good blogger. In fact, I am more of an avid blog reader than blogger.

I would like to thank Erlina again for the special mention in her blog. With this I would like to end this blog entry.

P.S. : This whole entry is composed when the author is under influence of extreme smugness after realizing that he was tagged with an award that greatly inflated his already humongous head filled with ego than can shadow a quarter of the earth from the sun.

Adieu, graynut signing off.