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  • graynut 8:33 pm on July 3, 2008 Permalink | Reply
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    Reunion Dinner Part 4 

    This series is getting really boring. So, I’ve decided to wrap it up with the next post instead of continuing it for another four entries with photographs accompanied by witty comments which I am seriously running out of. The remaining photographs will be stored here, along with those that I’ve posted before this.

    Here goes.

    The loaded Fortune Deity giving out moolah while shaking hands with recipients a la VIP.

    No, this photo was not smeared. It was the steam rising out of the pot.

    Somehow this shot reminds me of those couples shot. Okay, that was so wrong.

    Wen Yi and Dinesh in discussion. Dinesh was the only non-Chinese to join us. I am not being racist here. Rather, I was disappointed that he was the only non-Chinese there.

    You can see Adrian showing er, whatever sign that means.

    Mr. Ho helping himself to those fresh crustaceans while Mr. Leong looked on.

    Shin En caught unaware.

    The guys were having a great time exchanging news among each other. Don’t forget about the bullshitting part too when Chun Ho was in the photo. Trust him to blow your logic away with his mind numbling stories with the occasion help from Wye Hon.

    There was one incident during the dinner that warrants a special mention here. First, have a look at the incident.

    Unfortunately, this is not a guess-what-it-is game. This is the clearest shot I could get of that incident

    Just in case you still can’t figure out what’s that, those are oysters. In a cup of Chinese tea. How did those oysters get into the tea? I’ll leave that to your imagination. It was totally unintended though.

    Stay tuned for the last part. Adieu, graynut signing off.

  • graynut 8:49 pm on June 29, 2008 Permalink | Reply
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    Reunion Dinner Part 2 

    This is the 2nd entry on the previous reunion dinner. The first post can be found here.

    As the clock ticked away, more and more arrived. I was really glad that so many people turned up in spite of the short notice. However, we were really had a lot of empty seats until the very last minute. In the end, the number that turned up was nearing 30, way beyond my expectation. You can say that I have low expectation or whatsoever, but then again you don’t really know what kind of responses I got from some of those that I’ve invited.

    ‘Nuff with the boring details, and feast your eyes upon these sub par photographs.

    Wai Kit chattering away with Pn. Kwan before dinner began.

    The guys were doing the same across the tables.

    Chun Ho and Hou Zzan, with hint of excitement in their eyes, though you can’t see Chun Ho’s from this angle.

    Wai Kit indulging himself in university entrance guide.

    Pn. Kwan and Mr. Leong. They are this friendly all the time mind you, not just in front of the camera.

    Wye Hon, it was hard to get a good shot on you despite all your previous efforts until now. Really.

    Wai Kit may seems reluctant being alone in front of the camera, but it’s different when he’s with others.

    Yin Teng with, er, some meat (?) between her chopsticks. Abymsal focus, this one, yes.

    The two Koks, Adrian Kok and Kok Wee Keng. Close buddies since young.

    Everybody was busy sinking their teeth into something.

    These guys prefer a la carte, and so they have to wait while those eating steamboat feasted non-stop. Chun Ho was peering over his university entrance guide, while Hou Zzan tried to catch a look.

    So, that’s the end of this entry. It is not even half way yet.

    Stay tuned. Adieu, graynut signing off.

  • graynut 11:43 pm on June 28, 2008 Permalink | Reply
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    Reunion Dinner 

    Class 6AB ACS Ipoh of 2007 threw a reunion dinner on last Sunday. More information below.

    Venue       : Moven Peak Steamboat Buffet
    Time         : 7pm
    Date         : 22nd June 2008
    Dresscode : Smart Casual

    Anyway, the dinner was not restricted to students from that class. We had people from other classes as well. Heck, we even had people who were no longer ACSians since Form 5 in 2005.

    Less words, more photographs. I think I’ll need about 8 entries to cover the whole thing, 10 photo at a time.
    Dial-up friendly, eh? Anyway, for those who want the original version of the photographs, please inform me. I’ll upload them to you once I have true broadband unlike pseudo broadband that I am using now.

    From front : Yin Teng, Edmund, Pui Yee and Chong Yi (hidden)

    Ms. Chang, Kar Chun, Shi Wei, Wee Keng and I were first to arrive. It was already 7 by then. It seemed like MRT (Malaysian Rubber Time) was in effect again. Oh bother. Punctuality was not emphasized this time. Attendance was.

    From right : Wee Keng, Ms. Chang and Mr. Leong

    So, we while away waiting for the rest to arrive. Yin Teng showed up in a short while. Glad she did, because she mentioned that she might not make it in time from KL. Mr. Leong, Kah Meng, Edmund, Pui Yee and Chong Yi arrived soon after that.

    From front : Edmund, Kah Meng (hidden), Pui Yee, Chong Yi (hidden) and also Moven Peak service crew 😛

    From front: Edmund, Yin Teng, Kar Chun and Shi Wei

    From left: Pn. Kwan, Mr. Leong, and Ms. Chang

    Pn. Kwan too arrived soon after. By then we already have 3 teachers with us, with Mr. Ho on his way.

    From left: Ms. Chang, Wee Keng, and Chong Yi

    Sitting from left : Edmund, Kah Meng and Pui Yee
    Standing from left : Kar Chun and Shi Wei

    From left : Do I need to repeat myself? 😀

    Standing from left: Hou Zzan, Kar Chun, Shi Wei, Jason and Deenie
    Sitting from left: Edmund, Kah Meng, Pui Yee and Wai Yew

    7.30pm, and there were still missing faces.

    I think I have repeated names enough. Perhaps one or two were not in the photographs before. Far left, donned in orange , Adrian, while on the far right, donned in beigi, Chun Ho.

    So, what happened after that? Would more turn up?  Or would the dinner come short of expectation?

    Stay tuned. Adieu, graynut signing off.

  • graynut 12:26 pm on June 22, 2008 Permalink | Reply
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    Moven Peak Gathering 

    Arvin called for a gathering before everyone part ways, and I answered.

    So, at approximately 2.15pm on 21st June 2008 (it was Ren Shen’s 20th Birthday by the way), I went to Moven Peak Steamboat Buffet with Kar Chun and Shi Wei. Once there, we joined the organizer, Arvin, who were chatting with Hou Zzan and Jien Wey.

    Siew Vern, Wai Yee, Chee Yan and her boyfriend soon after that. The lasts to arrive were, as expected, Chun Ho, Wye Hon and Hon Yuen.

    Knowing that everyone was there already, I went on to take group photograph.

    Standing, from left : Hon Yuen, Hou Zzan, Wye Hon, Chun Ho, Arvin

    Sitting, from left : Chee Yan, Jien Wey, Siew Vern, Wai Yee

    As my primary objective there was to get a group photograph, besides doing a bit of catch up, duly achieved, Kar Chun, Shi Wei and I left since the two have other things to attend to and they did not have any intention of joining in the first place.

    The next reunion dinner to attend to will be the Class 6AB of 2007 Dinner.

    Venue       : Moven Peak Steamboat Buffet

    Time         : 7pm

    Date         : 22nd June 2008

    Dresscode : Smart Casual

    Contact me for further information.

    Although the dinner serves as a reunion for class 6AB of 2007, anyone from other classes is still and very much welcome to join us. In fact, bring along your friends. We believe in “the more, the merrier”.

    Stay tuned for entries on the next reunion. Adieu, graynut signing off.

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