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  • graynut 2:32 am on October 3, 2008 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: chopin, fantasie, frederic, impromptu, Music, no 4, op 66, piano   

    Fantasie Impromtu Op. 66 No.4 

    I do not know how to play piano, but I certainly know what’s brilliant music when I hear one.

    I present, Frederic Chopin’s Fantasie Impromptu Op. 66 No 4, by Vladmir Horowitz.

  • graynut 5:24 pm on July 25, 2008 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: backdorm boys, belle, clara, digby, marie, Music, ukulele,   

    Clara Belle & Ukulele 

    Over the years, youtube has been the platform for the rise to stardom of many people. Among the first few were the Backdorm Boys, a Chinese duo who lip synched Backstreet Boys’ songs and other pop songs their way to fame. Lately, there was a buzz of an upstart artiste Marie Digby who garnered much attention with her accoustic version of Rihanna’s Umbrella. She landed herself with recording deals afterwards and there is no turning back ever since.

    Back in the old days, the status of celebrity is hard to reach, a dream to many. People had to work their asses off to reach that status, not to mention extreme talents and super good looks in their arsenals. It is still the same today, but there are more routes that can b taken besides the conventional way; i.e. meeting agents, sending samples to recording companies and etc. And that way is the youtube way.

    The formula for success in youtube?

    Good looks + talents + appealing and interesting to viewers + a small dose of luck = popularity + viewership + chance to be scouted

    Here is one of those who has what it takes to make it big on youtube, Clara Belle.

    Beautiful and sweet voice. Talented and formally educated in music. Unique style influenced by the Western and Eastern cultures that she was exposed to. And she plays a ukulele! She might be the very next Marie Digby. Who knows?

    Stay tuned. Adieu, graynut signing off.

  • graynut 2:22 am on June 21, 2008 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: bring me to life, evanescence, gothic, Music, our solemn hour, rock, tempation, , wake me up, within temptation   

    Within Temptation – Our Solemn Hour 

    I don’t know what genre it is, but I just couldn’t resist posting it here.

    It’s been a long time since I’ve fallen for music like this. Reminds me of Bring Me To Life by Evanescence.

    Stay tuned. Adieu, graynut signing off.

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