Reunion Dinner

Class 6AB ACS Ipoh of 2007 threw a reunion dinner on last Sunday. More information below.

Venue       : Moven Peak Steamboat Buffet
Time         : 7pm
Date         : 22nd June 2008
Dresscode : Smart Casual

Anyway, the dinner was not restricted to students from that class. We had people from other classes as well. Heck, we even had people who were no longer ACSians since Form 5 in 2005.

Less words, more photographs. I think I’ll need about 8 entries to cover the whole thing, 10 photo at a time.
Dial-up friendly, eh? Anyway, for those who want the original version of the photographs, please inform me. I’ll upload them to you once I have true broadband unlike pseudo broadband that I am using now.

From front : Yin Teng, Edmund, Pui Yee and Chong Yi (hidden)

Ms. Chang, Kar Chun, Shi Wei, Wee Keng and I were first to arrive. It was already 7 by then. It seemed like MRT (Malaysian Rubber Time) was in effect again. Oh bother. Punctuality was not emphasized this time. Attendance was.

From right : Wee Keng, Ms. Chang and Mr. Leong

So, we while away waiting for the rest to arrive. Yin Teng showed up in a short while. Glad she did, because she mentioned that she might not make it in time from KL. Mr. Leong, Kah Meng, Edmund, Pui Yee and Chong Yi arrived soon after that.

From front : Edmund, Kah Meng (hidden), Pui Yee, Chong Yi (hidden) and also Moven Peak service crew 😛

From front: Edmund, Yin Teng, Kar Chun and Shi Wei

From left: Pn. Kwan, Mr. Leong, and Ms. Chang

Pn. Kwan too arrived soon after. By then we already have 3 teachers with us, with Mr. Ho on his way.

From left: Ms. Chang, Wee Keng, and Chong Yi

Sitting from left : Edmund, Kah Meng and Pui Yee
Standing from left : Kar Chun and Shi Wei

From left : Do I need to repeat myself? 😀

Standing from left: Hou Zzan, Kar Chun, Shi Wei, Jason and Deenie
Sitting from left: Edmund, Kah Meng, Pui Yee and Wai Yew

7.30pm, and there were still missing faces.

I think I have repeated names enough. Perhaps one or two were not in the photographs before. Far left, donned in orange , Adrian, while on the far right, donned in beigi, Chun Ho.

So, what happened after that? Would more turn up?  Or would the dinner come short of expectation?

Stay tuned. Adieu, graynut signing off.